Nor was there a person in town who had escaped the general feeling of rage that had enveloped the normally peaceful community.
Still, Deanna reflected silently, even a normally peaceful species could be dangerous when terrified.
The blue color, normally peaceful, seemed even angrier than the outer atmosphere, and more eerie.
Chakotay had the impression that their jobs were mostly ceremonial on the normally peaceful planet.
Though he was ready to fight to the death, Zhaz clearly didn't understand what had taken place in the normally peaceful city of Vernii.
The black beret force, which numbers more than 100 men, has free reign at night in this normally peaceful city.
Yesterday, neighbors in the normally peaceful, working-class community talked of the raging arguments frequently heard from the Gurriero house.
"It was with great sadness that I followed the terrible consequences this past January of your normally peaceful river rising up," she said.
In 2002, this normally peaceful community was disturbed when a body of a teenage girl was found there.
The normally peaceful Bali was also involved in pro-Megawati protests.