This is not where I normally park Mr. Beagle, but I phone ahead and it comes to meet us at train.
Chauphi Vo, who runs the Fruit Salad cart normally parked outside the Garden on 33rd Street, said he was willing to sacrifice the $500 a day he makes during the summer so the convention could be held safely.
Superintendent Buchanan normally parked his car in front of the station.
Pike drove to the small lot where he normally parked.
The parking lot where he normally parked and the dumpsters were directly in front of him.
She was happily thinking, Serves him right, a pity there wasn't a cloudburst, when across the car park, in an area where the top managers of Vasey's normally parked their cars, she noticed that room had been made for another car.
Santa rode down Main Street on Monday night in the vintage 1916 roofless firetruck normally parked outside the Drive.
Shiona parked at the front, instead of at the side of the house where everyone normally parked their cars, and, pushing back her hair, headed for the front door.
The people who normally parked their cars along the perimeter of the apron were avoiding the area under the enclosure, the cars describing a loose semicircle fifty feet around it.