December 8, 1941, is not normally known as a day that will live in infamy.
These smaller companies are however normally known only in their own area, by customers and suppliers, but not to the wider public or business community.
Normally known as a defensive player and averaging 4.9 points per game, Walton shot 8 for 13 from the field.
This year's "opening day" won't be anything like what we've normally known on the traditional Mondays in the past.
Consider also that the pressure is normally known through instruments (barometers) near the ground/sea level.
Equipment with moving parts and some kind of drive unit is normally known as machinery.
The local group is normally known as a "hayam" although there are in fact three other ways it may be named.
These are normally not well known outside the house.
However the name never caught on and it was normally known as the "British Battalion".
In England it is normally known as a 'pier glass'.