Others reject this, however, since possessive forms do not generally behave in a parallel fashion to what are normally identified as cases.
Chinese art has an uncanny ability to accommodate within the curve the kind of experience that is not normally identified with it.
There is the possibility of organizing exhibitions on ideas while they are still hot, in places that are not normally identified with art.
Airy points are normally identified by inscribed marks or lines.
In a non-interacting (free) field theory, the vacuum is normally identified as a state containing zero particles.
This change is normally identified with the end of the tendency for syllabic synharmony.
"I see this as a philosophical cult normally identified with extremely liberal causes."
Although central to Lisbon, it is normally identified by a different urban nuclei.
The orientation is normally identified using three Euler angles.
Forms are normally identified by a number such as "first form" or "sixth form".