An oil lamp normally hangs in front of the icons.
The lifeboat normally hung 20 metres above the waterline.
Her hair, which normally hung in small ringlets, was covered by a scarf.
He moved a little stiffly, but his arm hung normally at his side.
He finally settled on guiding her through the crowds to a quiet corner at the foot of the stairs, where the girls normally hung wet coats.
His jacket hung more normally without the sling, but he winced each time he moved his arm.
Weird's hand went to the place on his chest where his cross would normally hang.
Decisions on whether they will be given tenure, or promoted or awarded research grants do not normally hang on what appears in the public prints.
He normally hung about the house all day and disappeared before his father brought the sheep back from pasture so as to avoid milking time.
Afterwards, in the bath, he will release them to hang normally.