This is designed to allow midfielders to drive from the wings and from X against a short-stick midfielder, instead of against a longstick defensemen who would normally defend the player at these positions.
As a result, various other business interest groups (with the exception of the spammers themselves) that might normally defend the free play of market forces have converged in support of some kind of federal regulation.
Plays that we normally defend, and we weren't getting it done.
According to the San Jose Mercury News, Brown's argument for overturning Proposition 8 left Proposition 8 supporters legally isolated because the Attorney General would normally defend existing state laws.
Under that law, the Justice Department normally defends Government employees sued for actions taken within the scope of their official duties.
It could, but precious though morphine base is to the Taliban, they do not normally defend it with anti-aircraft guns.
Nations defending against modern invasions normally use large population centers such as cities or towns as defensive points.
In Gaza, all 300 Palestinian lawyers who normally defend clients in the military courts have been boycotting the system for the past six weeks to show solidarity with the protests.
"Consuls in office do not normally defend consuls-elect."
I think it was obvious that small countries, which normally defend the Commission, did not defend the Commission' s position at the meetings in Vienna.