A vehicle's gas mileage normally decreases rapidly at speeds above 55 miles per hour.
Shading the light will normally decrease efficacy but increase the directionality and the visual comfort probability.
Demosaicing alone would normally decrease sharpness, but the demosaicing algorithm used might also include sharpening.
Female fertility normally decreases with age.
That's unusual because concentrations of those elements normally decrease with depth in this region.
When a baby's head is down, the heart rate normally decreases in response to the stress.
Thus, the atmospheric temperature normally decreases with increasing altitude.
In analog recording, the audio quality normally decreases with each generation, while in digital recording, the quality is usually preserved.
This is in contrast to discontinuous mechanisms where the flow stress normally decreases by 25% as the recrystallized grains form.
By comparison, Openness has been found to normally decrease with ageing by 1 T-score point per decade.