Patients are normally confined to a bed or reclining wheelchair, or children's stroller.
I hate being so confined normally, but if the pipe meant escape it was worth suffering my claustrophobia.
The lines sung at sporting events etc. are normally confined to:
Active volcanism at any one time is normally confined to a limited number of centres within a particular cluster.
This also marked the first time the public became involved in a type of dispute normally confined to the industry.
Referees also sometimes have sponsors' logos on their shirts, although these are normally confined to the sleeves.
These scenarios are normally confined to textile workers.
By bringing an action normally confined to private corners of people's homes to something as large and anonymous as a museum, he ties strangers together.
Student demonstrations, normally confined to university campuses, have thus far not come close to inspiring a general uprising.
The French term allée is confined normally to avenues planted in parks and landscape gardens.