Clean Access normally checks a Windows system for required updates by checking the system's registry.
Jerusha found on her first visit that everything she normally checked on, DeAnne and Step were already doing.
Oddly enough I hadn't seen that Ross was the writer (it must just not have clicked because I do normally check who the writer is).
I just wouldn't normally check my statement.
Jason did quite a bit of correspondence by e-mail and normally checked his electronic mailbox every day.
Type 1 diabetics normally check more often, due to insulin therapy.
"We normally check at the turn of every watch for open hatches, Comrade General," the first officer explained.
We will not normally check your choice of sector when we process your application.
Push-based services step in for any kind of program that would normally check for information updates.
As flying via Dubai involves a change of airline as well as terminal, passengers cannot normally check their bags through all the way to Kabul.