Black dragons are fierce hunters that will normally attack from the water.
Although they do not normally attack humans, these chelicerae can penetrate human skin, and painful bites have been reported.
These smaller countries are distinct from the barbarian nation, and do not normally attack major nations unless attacked first.
Hooligans do not normally attack older or better-off supporters.
It normally attacks only hybrid poplars, not natural poplars.
Because it was smaller, it would not normally attack an adult human unless provoked, but occasionally could become a man-killer.
If a bomber attacks another aerial unit, it will attack normally rather than use its bomb.
Both normal and giant Bandersnatch move slowly and will not normally attack unless first hit is activated.
'But bees don't normally attack like that,' Wood said.
Scientists believe the organism does this to make itself indigestible to the killer cell phagocytes in animal blood that would normally attack it.