The normally affable Tartabull was unavailable to comment after the victory.
His chubby, normally affable features were knotted with concern.
He makes more appearances than his wife and is much despised by the rest of the family, even by the normally affable Monisha.
Fern recoiled, stunned by this side of the normally affable MJ.
The normally affable Cassell remained on the bench, sitting quietly and simmering.
A normally affable man two years:, my senior in law school, Haight cannot bring himself to even a, grudging greeting on this day.
The normally affable, happy-go-lucky Smith became bitter and spiteful, and would get easily annoyed with the fans and his partner.
Despondence veiled her normally affable countenance as she grappled internally with the implications of the revelations.
The normally affable Republican had won his second term by a landslide and had maintained unprece- dented popularity.
Normally affable and outgoing, Mr. Ozawa suddenly looked sad.