In addition, the normalization procedure facilitates comparisons between rhythms from different tissues by reducing the scale of the output to a mean of one for each case (see Results).
The first facet of the problem exists within the normalization procedure.
Another concern about the normalization procedure was that the majority of the targets did not produce signals that were significantly greater than those caused by nonspecific hybridization.
Few detailed comparisons of oligonucleotide-array normalization procedures have been reported, however [ 13].
Thus if the acoustic-phonetic rules and the accompanying normalization procedures work perfectly, lexical access should work at its maximal efficiency.
A more generalized normalization procedure should use a normalization curve instead of a constant factor.
The normalization procedure in MAS4 aims at normalizing the average intensities of probe sets (excluding the top and bottom 2%).
After the above normalization procedure, the fold change value for gene k, f , is essentially calculated by dividing e ) with b ).
These normalization procedures are based on the presence of a common pool of biotin-labeled transcripts of known concentrations spiked into each hybridization.
This normalization procedure is commonly called the ΔΔC-method and permits comparison of expression of a gene of interest among different samples.