Two normal tests is usually interpreted to mean that the man doesn't have any significant infertility problems.
At or after age 30, women who have had three normal tests in a row no longer have to be tested every year.
A normal test result means that you did not have vertigo or nystagmus during the test.
A normal or negative test means that strep bacteria may not be present.
In a normal test, your knee will extend and lift your foot a little.
In a normal test, your foot will move as though you were going to point your toes.
"And you did all the normal tests for trace evidence, did you not?"
On his inspection he did not find anything on those subjects beyond normal tests.
If a woman 30 or older has had three normal test results in a row, the interval can increase to every two to three years.
All this had been established at Binghamton Lab on the 'normal' test subjects.