Negative controls for all immuno-preparations were prepared by use of the appropriate normal serum in place of the primary antibody.
The heat-stable component was responsible for the immunity against specific microorganisms, whereas the heat-sensitive (heat-labile) component was responsible for the non-specific antimicrobial activity conferred by all normal serum.
Figure 4A shows that sICAM-1 was present in the normal serum samplesat an average of 334 ng/ml, whereas the samples of colonic carcinoma patients contained sICAM-1 at an average of 684 ng/ml.
Fibrinogen, a beta 2 protein, is found in normal plasma but also absent from normal serum.
The assay was standardised against a pool of normal adult human serum defined as containing 1.0 U IGF-I/ml (equivalent to 159 ng/ml of a highly purified preparation of IGF-I).
But most of them were afflicted, for it was exceedingly virulent, and the normal serums were helpless.
Common blocking buffers include normal serum, non-fat dry milk, BSA, or gelatin.
The ABS suffix refers particularly to a processing step used to remove nonspecific antispirochetal antibodies present in normal serum.
IgM in normal serum is often found to bind to specific antigens, even in the absence of prior immunization.
(1948) The nature of the virus receptors of red cells; evidence on the chemical nature of the virus receptors of red cells and of the existence of a closely analogous substance in normal serum.