Then they were divided into various groups and given unlimited normal rat food and water for the next seven days.
'He's talking about normal rats,' Dealey hastened to say.
There were two types of mutant vermin, he had explained, the kind resembling the normal Black rat, and another, which was a grotesque.
This was a unique finding since in all normal rats and mice studied previously the rates of enzyme destruction seemed to be almost constant.
Also no differences in distribution of the compound in normal and pregnant rats were found.
Apple cider vinegar attenuates lipid profile in normal and diabetic rats.
He saw that these giant rats moved more slowly in proportion to their size than normal rats.
He mated his mutant with the normal Black rat the area in which he lived, of course, was infested with them.
Dire rats look basically the same as a normal rat, but they can grow up to 3 feet long and weigh over 60 pounds (27 kilograms).
'We can test it on the normal Black rat - and hope it will work on its larger brother.'