Her expression suggested that she considered it to be a perfectly normal kind of thing to find, and had seen far more interesting things.
Oh, Cameron, why couldn't you have gotten into some normal kind of trouble?
Certainly data bombing someone's node was not a normal kind of thing to do.
What do you mean by that - "the normal kind of man"?
In other words, if you've pursued normal kinds of security recommendations that you make all the time, you're not too vulnerable.
When you said threatening letter I thought you meant one of the normal kind.
"My information is there'll just be three this isn't their normal kind of meeting," Andy replied.
Our roses don't smell so nice as the normal kind, but you never have to sweep up the petals in the fall!
And the city treated it as a normal kind of job.
When you first meet me, I seem like a pretty normal kind of girl.