A total of 6,860 single adults stayed in the city's 44 single-adult shelters on Thursday night, up about 100 from the normal count, she said.
The normal count is about 1,000 of the cells, which are specialized immune cells in the blood.
A normal count is 36 to 46 percent for women and 46 to 56 percent for men.
It employs 26 vacuum tubes, a larger than normal count for most general-coverage receivers.
But, he said: "Torre felt we would pitch out on a normal count, like 0-0, 1-0 or 1-1.
The normal count varies, but is about 1,000.
A normal count is more than 500.
The normal count is 800 to 1,200.
But the increase is only slight because the normal count, which varies widely, is from about 800 to 1,200.
The normal count is 800 to 1,200 but ranges widely.