We can commit sabotage that looks exactly like a normal accident, and they can't do anything to prevent it.
The event was an example of a normal accident because it was "unexpected, incomprehensible, uncontrollable and unavoidable".
For a moment it seemed like a normal accident.
High reliability organization, an organization that has succeeded in avoiding catastrophes in an environment where normal accidents can be expected due to risk factors and complexity.
Unlike the main paediatrics ward opposite, which dealt with the normal accidents and illnesses of childhood, theirs was smaller and treated complex congenital cases.
System accidents were described in 1984 by Charles Perrow, who termed them "normal accidents", as having two main characteristics: interactive complexity and tight coupling.
The verdict appeared to endorse the view of some analysts and journalists that the crash was a normal accident rather then the result of criminal negligence.
But, after a routine investigation the police decided that Ha'rriet had stumbled on the steps and her death was due to a normal accident.
It's like a normal car accident but the car belongs to the mayor so it's not investigated as a normal accident.
But if the spilling of the wine had been, as she was now convinced, a normal accident, she had nothing to fear from him.