The film series is free; the matinees have nominal admission charges ($1 for the noon concerts, $2 for the dance demonstrations), and the evening samplers are $7.
At the end of the line, in Gov. Malcolm Wilson Park, a series of free noon concerts is offered.
Every Sunday there is a noon concert in another Bronx landmark, Le Refuge Inn on City Island.
After a noon concert by Mecca Bodega, a world-music ensemble, families can join the musicians in a workshop to create simple percussion instruments for the parade.
So a noon concert had to finish before 4.
Wonderful noon concert at the Aarhus Vocal F..
By the time we returned, the musicians had arrived for the noon concert and were rehearsing, filling the house with resonant strains of Mozart and Haydn.
IF this is Sunday, it must be time for another noon concert at Le Refuge Inn on City Island.
The first winners will be announced at a special noon concert featuring Tal Farlow, a contemporary master of the jazz guitar.
The noon concert was billed as Ms. Horne's gift.