It's based on the observation that an object cannot appear in a cycle until its reference count is decremented to a nonzero value.
As with most Unix utilities, a return code of 0 indicates success, while nonzero values indicate failure.
For example, a tungsten light bulb filament generates heat, so it would have a positive nonzero value for q when turned on.
As the velocity of car has changed from zero to a nonzero value, the car must have had acceleration even though it was at rest.
Note here that the inverse of the diagonal matrix may be found by inverting each nonzero value within the matrix.
The anomaly would have been a nonzero value for the beta component of the spin of the proton.
To fix this problem we alter the definition of relative change so that it works correctly for all nonzero values of x:
Consider the Abelian group where each factor corresponds to modular multiplication of nonzero values, assuming p is prime.
This will always be less than any nonzero value of G2, so the result is whiter than G2.
This is the only real fine-tuning to a small nonzero value in the Standard Model, and it is called the Hierarchy problem.