The price includes en-suite accommodation, chalet maid service, nonstop entertainment, swimming pools, sports facilities and planned activities for children of all ages.
Needless to say, in an age when the Bill of Rights seems to begin with the right to nonstop entertainment, this is a controversial belief.
At those prices, you should expect nonstop entertainment, catering from the Four Seasons, saunas, massages and personal trainers - and an occasional outing to London or Paris.
It's also a feast of performing arts, with seven stages offering nonstop entertainment.
This Upper West Side bazaar will include works by more than 400 artisans as well as nonstop entertainment, craft demonstrations and an open-air cafeteria of exotic foods.
In John Gimlette's frothy treatment, the island is absolutely teeming with impossibly colorful characters spouting nonstop entertainment.
The town capitalized on its popularity by creating a modern resort full of almost nonstop entertainment.
"He's nonstop entertainment, isn't he?"
Musicians on four stages are to provide hours of free nonstop entertainment, from noon to 6 P.M.
Among the nonstop entertainment, the Rebirth Brass Band starts playing at 1 p.m. Louisiana specialties like crawfish pie and alligator sausage will cost about $5 a serving.