Ask for information in writing about each loan you are interested in before you pay a nonrefundable fee.
Recently, the board of managers proposed that a $1,000 nonrefundable fee be put on my unit and all other units owned by absentee landlords.
"It seems pretty unreasonable to charge the customer a nonrefundable fee like that," he said.
The existence of this nonrefundable fee is almost always included in the letter of intent or the lease agreement, he said.
There is a nonrefundable fee for this service which must be paid in advance.
She decided against taking it and was upset when a nonrefundable $700 fee wasn't refunded.
In addition, Hawaii charges a nonrefundable 1 fee per container to fund the program.
Last summer NeuLevel charged a nonrefundable fee of $2 for each .
Many runners said the nonrefundable fee was the equivalent of paying for a lottery ticket.
"We found two cases," the report said, "where nonrefundable fees ($10,000 and $20,000) were charged to obtain tender documents (total contract value $150,302,897)."