He promised full cooperation with the nonproliferation program if that right is internationally recognized.
But they argue that inequities in the nonproliferation program are undermining efforts to close those loopholes.
He oversaw all of this agency's nuclear nonproliferation programs with the principal responsibility of preventing the spread of nuclear materials, technology and expertise.
Our plan is in place to make this a more effective nonproliferation program.
"Current nonproliferation programs in the Department of Energy, the Department of Defense and related agencies have achieved impressive results thus far," the report said.
But why, before the review is completed, has the administration already announced plans to cut cooperative nonproliferation programs between the United States and Russia?
But that is precisely what American-Russian nonproliferation programs have achieved in the past several years.
The senior administration official stressed yesterday that the review was aimed at improving the quality, effectiveness and transparency of the nonproliferation programs.
Both houses have added funds to Bush administration requests for American-Russian nonproliferation programs.
The center will be part of the lab's Department of Advanced Technology, where scientists work on a number of nonproliferation programs for government and international organizations.