Not Day-Care Cops' For every child under the age of 3 in regulated care in New York City, 15 children of that age are entrusted to illegal providers, estimates Child Care Inc., the largest nonprofit resource and day-care referral agency in the city.
Welcome Legislators and Policy Makers Covers policy development, constituent services, and other helpful nonprofit resources.
The Fund for Theological Education (FTE) is a nonprofit, ecumenical resource for fellowships and programs supporting future pastors, volunteers, and theological scholars in North America.
Under these coalitions, program standards are being established, service delivery is being measured and additional private and nonprofit resources have been mobilized.
We must marshal our government, private and nonprofit resources in a coordinated effort to provide children in rural America with the same opportunities as their counterparts in the cities and suburbs.
Prices for day care vary by neighborhood, with providers in poor, urban neighborhoods charging less than their counterparts in more affluent areas, like northern Westchester, said Sally M. Ziegler, executive director of the Child Care Council of Westchester in White Plains, a nonprofit resource and referral agency.
Despite many parents' apprehensions, Nancy Kolben, executive director of Child Care Inc., a nonprofit resource and referral center, thinks some of this happens indirectly.
But the following guidelines are offered in a pamphlet available from Child Care Inc., a nonprofit resource and referral service in Manhattan.
Boys Harbor Jan. 27 - The literacy program of Boys Harbor, a nonprofit educational resource for young people in Harlem, will benefit from a "Forever Young" evening, including a Rod Stewart concert, at the Play by Play Club at Madison Square Garden.
Mr. Lew's letter responded to requests to the White House from Mr. Moynihan, the mayor and other officials to help remove a Congressional barrier and allow the island to be used as a nonprofit public resource.