Tax Analysts is a nonprofit publisher of weekly magazines and daily online journals on tax policy and administration.
Island Press is a nonprofit, environmental publisher based in Washington, D.C., that specializes in natural history, ecology, conservation, and the built environment.
It was reproduced last year by Tax Analysts, a nonprofit publisher in Washington, at, as part of its tax history project.
The Feminist Press is an independent nonprofit literary publisher that promotes freedom of expression and social justice.
The American Physiological Society publishes both journals and books as a nonprofit publisher.
Arcadia is neither a nonprofit publisher nor a vanity press.
He called the Smithsonian and Mountaineers Books, a nonprofit publisher in Seattle.
Heyday is an independent nonprofit publisher based in Berkeley, California.
Respondents were asked (but not required) to contribute $6 to Consumers Union, the magazine's nonprofit publisher, to help defray the cost.
A small nonprofit publisher founded by Erdrich and her sister, Wiigwaas Press, is affiliated with the store.