The partnership says that is standard in nonprofit programs.
The nonprofit program is supported through private donations and foundation money.
To fill the gap, some private nonprofit programs have stepped in.
For specific information on the nonprofit programs, please visit
Like most nonprofit programs, it's heavily staffed by women and members of minority groups.
She has been busy since then digging up grants and donations to run the nonprofit program.
She later started a nonprofit program for children with parents addicted to alcohol or drugs.
Instead it would bring nonprofit programs into some shelters over two years.
Take this year's list of more than 200 courses offered by the nonprofit program, available to residents throughout the state.
Then his pastor asked him to run a nonprofit after-school program a few days a week.
The partnership says that is standard in nonprofit programs.
The nonprofit program is supported through private donations and foundation money.
To fill the gap, some private nonprofit programs have stepped in.
For specific information on the nonprofit programs, please visit
Like most nonprofit programs, it's heavily staffed by women and members of minority groups.
She has been busy since then digging up grants and donations to run the nonprofit program.
She later started a nonprofit program for children with parents addicted to alcohol or drugs.
Instead it would bring nonprofit programs into some shelters over two years.
Take this year's list of more than 200 courses offered by the nonprofit program, available to residents throughout the state.
Then his pastor asked him to run a nonprofit after-school program a few days a week.