The Woodstock Institute, a Chicago-based policy and advocacy nonprofit, found in an analysis of 1996 Chicago-area survey data that low income areas still lagged behind in access to commercial loans.
The Center for Economic and Social Rights (CESR) is an international human rights organization that functions primarily as a research and advocacy nonprofit in the area of economic and social rights.
Mr. Romalewski, 39, is the director of the community mapping program for the New York Public Interest Group, a nonprofit environmental and consumer advocacy organization in New York.
Simeon Bankoff, executive director of the Historic Districts Council, a nonprofit advocacy organization for New York City's historic neighborhoods, said of Mr. George's initiatives: "It's really tough out there.
"The rates now reinforce keeping kids in care," said Gail B. Nayowith, executive director of the Citizens' Committee for Children, a nonprofit advocacy and research group.
Dr. Jean Bonhomme, president of the National Black Men's Health Network, a nonprofit advocacy and education organization in Atlanta, calls this trait "pathological stoicism," a problem he sees even in himself.
Joe Kelly (born 1954) is the co-founder of the first national advocacy nonprofit for fathers and daughters in the United States, Dads and Daughters (DADs).
A 'Shallow Victory' About 1,500 homeless people have been staying at the city's midtown terminals every night this winter, according to figures from the the Coalition for the Homeless, a nonprofit advocacy group.
Nate's father had promised to continue on in her footsteps and, years later, Eco-Tek was the result, a fusion of razor-sharp business models and nonprofit advocacy.
In Cleveland, Natural Power, a nonprofit advocacy and education group dedicated to alternative energy sources, created an exercise to help children understand the value of solar hot-water heaters.