The Prince excuses his activism by saying he is dealing with nonpartisan issues of national welfare.
"This is absolutely a nonpartisan issue," Mr. Sanders said.
But surely the dehumanizing of America's military women is a nonpartisan issue.
The board's executive director, Nicole Gordon, offered the same warnings to two previous charter revision panels, which then dissolved without moving on the nonpartisan issue.
"This is a grass-roots, mainstream, nonpartisan issue, and so it should remain," he said.
Redesigning the federal government so that it is more accountable to taxpayers is a nonpartisan issue.
Postal reform is one of the few nonpartisan issues where clear consensus exists among Americans across the ideological spectrum.
It is a nonpartisan issue.
Mr. McDermott said health care for lower-middle-class citizens has become a nonpartisan issue, as unemployment was in the 1930's.
Mr. Amstutz said that the next President would be likely to pursue what he called "a nonpartisan bipartisan issue."