It is known for its fiscal and programmatic expertise and nonpartisan analysis of the state budget.
But Preston Niblack, deputy director of the Independent Budget Office, a city agency that provides nonpartisan analysis, said it was not clear that the federal government would pick up anywhere near the full cost.
CBO's unyielding commitment to honest, nonpartisan analysis makes me proud to be a part of this agency.
They ignore nonpartisan analysis from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) and other independent experts and instead concoct arguments based on.
The act established permanent standing budget committees in both houses of Congress, as well as a Congressional Budget Office to provide Congress with independent, nonpartisan analyses.
CBO provides the Congress with objective, timely, nonpartisan analyses to assist economic and budgetary decisions and with the information and estimates required for the Congressional budget process.
Dr. Rivlin has the added stature, as the Congressional Budget Office's first director, of having established its reputation for first-rate, nonpartisan technical analysis.
In keeping with CBO's mandate to provide objective, nonpartisan analysis, this report makes no recommendations.
The city's Independent Budget Office, which prepared the report, is widely seen as the authoritative source of nonpartisan fiscal and economic analysis for New York.
The budget office strives to provide nonpartisan analyses of Federal programs.