I have a new, nonnegotiable demand.
Thus, Lind opposes affirmative action and racial quotas, and identifies the elimination of them as a "nonnegotiable demand".
It was her one nonnegotiable demand of me when she came back from Focus.
The windows look out on the church and its courtyard, hardly the dramatic view that had been one of their nonnegotiable demands.
This was immediately translated to national television as a "nonnegotiable demand by a militant Third World spokesman."
"The government has announced that they will begin a process of dialogue to evaluate how the nonnegotiable demands can be implemented," said Vogliano.
Ms. Hughes said in March that she would do her best "to stand for what President Bush called the nonnegotiable demands of human dignity."
Her rental had a small bedroom, large enough for only a double bed and one night table, and so a spacious bedroom was a nonnegotiable demand.
The old battle cry of freedom gave way to the new "nonnegotiable demands" for Black Power.
Can the nations of Europe resist the nonnegotiable demands of the cultural Marxists?