Defining nonlinear structure in film is, at times, difficult.
It has a similar concern for male-female relations, dramatic details that deal with everyday events, and nonlinear structure.
Nonetheless, MacMillan, hinting at a nonlinear structure, was trying something new.
These influences could still be traced in formal and nonlinear structures as well as in the Butoh training of some choreographers.
That's not the problem here; nor is its nonlinear, anti-narrative structure, which reflects that of the book.
And few artists have made more expressive use of its nonlinear structures, peculiarly absorbing rhythms and potential social reach.
The Quranic text seems to have no beginning, middle, or end, its nonlinear structure being akin to a web or net.
The film employs a nonlinear narrative structure, with the story based upon its male protagonist and his memories of a failed relationship.
The film depicts a day in the life of Britain during the blitz, and is noted for its nonlinear structure and its use of sound.
Critics especially praised its unique, nonlinear narrative structure and motifs of memory, perception, grief, self-deception, and revenge.