When nonfiction pieces in glossy magazines changed the way people thought about journalism and literature?
However, it has broadened its scope to include creative nonfiction pieces, scholarly writing, poetry, and book reviews on more general topics.
So what he was doing now, in these nonfiction pieces, was not that much different from what he'd been doing all along.
His literary productivity was astonishing: he wrote some 200 short stories, 400 nonfiction pieces and 20 novels.
Benefits of Saying It Straight Those nonfiction pieces proved helpful to his fiction.
Ellison continued to publish short fiction and nonfiction pieces in various publications, including some of his best known stories.
I saved up a bunch of money while I was pregnant, mostly by doing nonfiction pieces for various publications.
The Best American Essays series named his nonfiction pieces as "notable essays" in the years 2011 and 2012.
He does, however, envision a nonfiction piece about the misuse of psychoactive drugs.
In one part, students must listen to a short nonfiction piece, take notes, answer multiple-choice questions and write an essay.