His nonfiction collection, The Braindead Megaphone, was published on September 4, 2007.
The second floor holds adult fiction; the nonfiction collection; and the Tennessee Room, dedicated to local authors and works about the state.
Throughout the school year, both the fiction and nonfiction collections of the public library can provide abundant supplemental reading materials.
The money was used to increase the library's reference collection and nonfiction collection.
This was covered as part of Kevin Mitnick's 2005 nonfiction collection The Art of Intrusion.
Touré is the author of a story collection, a novel and, most recently, a nonfiction collection, Never Drank the Kool-Aid.
Updike s first nonfiction collection in eight years displays breathtaking scope as well as the author s seeming inability to write badly.
Since then has been reprinted several times, and was included in Barth's nonfiction collection The Friday Book (1984).
"Area Code 212," Janowitz's first nonfiction collection, is a tacking together of her occasional journalism.
Caldwell wrote 25 novels, 150 short stories, 12 nonfiction collections, as well as 2 books for young readers.