These nonaligned members - Cuba, Colombia, Ivory Coast, Ethiopia, Malaysia, Yemen and Zaire - said the amendments represented their final offer.
But diplomats from the four nonaligned members said that they expected Washington to seek relatively minor changes and that the Bush Administration would probably accept the main provisions of the proposal.
The Council's five nonaligned members registered their growing dissatisfaction with the West's reluctance to become more deeply involved in military action in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
A Change in Position Previously the Soviet Union, backed by China and the self-professed nonaligned third-world members of the Council, was reluctant to impose sanctions on Iran.
The Council's nonaligned members today presented a resolution highly critical of the military strike.
The nonaligned members - Cape Verde, Djibouti, Morocco, Pakistan and Venezuela - objected to postponing new sanctions because they side with the Muslims.
But Venezuela and Pakistan, two nonaligned members of the Council, said they wanted to avoid a United States veto and would seek changes in the draft Arab resolution.
The other nonaligned members are Cape Verde, Djibouti and Morocco.
But he is likely to run into difficulties with Arab and nonaligned members who also want the Security Council to discuss the plight of Palestinians living in the occupied territories.
The Council drafted a compromise text tonight incorporating some amendments suggested by its nonaligned members.