Its members work for a world without war and promote peaceful and non-violent solutions to conflict.
It analyzed the Cold War and the American response to it, and recommended non-violent solutions.
The young people, who will walk from the City Hall to arrive at Cornmarket at 7.30pm, have dedicated themselves to promoting a non-violent solution.
NTCS promotes the love of God and teaches respect for others, obedience to parents, and non-violent solutions to problems.
He excelled at jujutsu, but he most often found non-violent solutions to predicaments.
Nhat Hanh is active in the peace movement, promoting non-violent solutions to conflict.
The game in general honors non-violent solutions, so while you could 'kill lion' offering it something instead will net more points.
"Such a non-violent solution," wrote Bruce Bailey in The Montreal Gazette, "should sit well with peace lobbyists".
Unless population growth can be slowed quickly it is feared that there may not be a practical non-violent or humane solution to the emerging world water shortage.
He said he then offered to arrange a meeting for the Americans with the coup leaders to see if a non-violent solution to the stand-off could be found.