In one month, this system caused the coal operators to fire more than 3,000 non-union men.
The Government can recognize neither union men nor non-union men as such, and is bound to treat both exactly alike.
A strike has been going on at the mine for over three months and the nine who died were all non-union men.
After all, in the real world, compositors"wages were already being threatened by cheap male labour - that of apprentices and non-union men for instance.
Mine Superintendent Summers talked the non-union men into joining the union in order to promote harmony in the workforce.
One hundred and sixty-eight non-union men reportedly quit the Independence Mine because of the incident.
During a New Orleans street-car strike not long ago, a whole company of militia, called out to protect non-union men, resigned in a body.
He said that a number of the non-union men had signed an agreement to go out with the union machinists if their demands were not granted.
The trade union sought to persuade L not to employ non-union men.
Thirteen non-union men were killed - some of them mutilated - and six more were injured.