The Thailand Breast Slap is a non-surgical method of breast augmentation endorsed by the Thai government as an alternative to surgical breast augmentation with breast implants.
The process is under phase III clinical trials in India and is a non-surgical method of male sterilization that is inexpensive, highly effective, and reversible.
Neonates without adverse symptoms may simply be monitored as outpatients, while symptomatic PDA can be treated with both surgical and non-surgical methods.
Non-surgical treatments for this condition are very similar to the non-surgical methods described above for spinal stenosis.
There are a variety of other non-surgical methods used in attempts to relieve the condition after it has occurred, often in combination with pain killers.
Although donor embryo transfer as practiced today has evolved from the original non-surgical method, it now accounts for approximately 5% of in vitro fertilization recorded births.
Results of non-surgical methods vary widely, and depend on such factors as the amount of skin present at the start of the restoration, degree of commitment, technique, and the individual's body.
The ocular alignment itself may be treated with surgical or non-surgical methods, depending on the type and severity of the strabismus.
Ultrasound fat reduction is readily gaining popularity as the safest non-surgical method to remove fat from the body.
If the tendon rupture is a partial tear (without the two parts of the tendon being separated) then non-surgical methods of treatment may suffice.