Reduce non-security discretionary spending below 2008 levels, which saves $76 billion.
Crawford voted to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and to return federal non-security spending to fiscal year 2008 levels.
Reducing non-security spending to fiscal year 2008 levels or less, H.Res.
Legislation that reduces non-security discretionary spending to pre-stimulus, pre-bailout levels.
The savings are divided as follows: Reduces non-security discretionary spending below 2008 levels, which saves $76 billion.
Sequestration amounts are to be determined proportionally to outlay growth from the previous fiscal year for mandatory spending (Social Security, Medicare, and other such programs), discretionary security spending, and non-security discretionary spending.
Would reduce the corporate income tax rate, cut "non-security discretionary spending" by 5% and "tear down the vast edifice of regulations the Obama Administration has imposed on the economy"
It will result in automatic, across-the-board cuts divided evenly between security and non-security spending.
Eliminates hundreds of duplicative programs, reflects the ban on earmarks, and curbs corporate welfare bringing non-security discretionary spending to below 2008 levels.
In the first two years, there would be a firewall separating security and non-security spending.