Under New York law, public schools may adopt regulations under which they open their facilities to public use during non-school hours.
Blanco Park, which is attached to the school, is open to the public during non-school hours.
During non-school hours Addison residents may use the fields.
The 21st CCLC program emphasizes activities during non-school hours that offer learning opportunities for children and youth.
The town used this pool during non-school hours for recreation programs for its residents.
Students are offered additional courses of English Pronunciation during non-school hours.
So I worked in the non-school hours, helping direct a dance band.
Please help more children in Hamilton County, like Becky, know about a safe positive place for them in their non-school hours.
Clubs provide a safe affordable place for young people during non-school hours and summer vacation.
During the non-school hours, the station would play automated 1980s music.