Candidates submitted a non-refundable $500 fee in addition to a letter to party president Judy Morrow expressing their interest in the leadership.
An applicant could then pick up nomination forms upon payment of a non-refundable fee of GH 1000.
Participants pay a non-refundable fee to purchase bids.
There is also a non-refundable administrative fee of $275.00 included in the above fees.
A $116 non-refundable fee must be paid electronically when scheduling the appointment.
For the service, USG would pay Berkshire Hathaway a $67 million non-refundable fee.
Also, there have been complaints about a non-refundable fee for those who merely apply to gain entry to the race.
The first time the prospective borrower sees this clause is just before closing, long after he or she has paid the bank a "non-refundable" fee.
Ex'pression college's tuition is currently set at $92,288 along with several non-refundable fees.
There is a $100 non-refundable fee for the application.