Since 2005, Freiburg's non-recyclable waste has been incinerated and the heat energy released is converted to supply electricity to almost 25,000 households in the city.
Founded in 2000, Enerkem uses its proprietary technology to convert non-recyclable municipal solid waste into products like clean transportation fuels and chemicals.
Enerkem's products are considered green chemicals because they are manufactured from non-recyclable municipal waste, instead of fossil sources like petroleum and natural gas.
To reduce the remaining non-recyclable waste, incineration, which also produces electric power, becomes essential.
Since 1997, all non-recyclable waste has been disposed of in landfill sites.
It should also be taken into account that non-recyclable nuclear waste must not be exported to third countries.
In 8 years, non-recyclable waste has been cut by 75%.
The company was accused of illegally using their recycling plant to store non-recyclable and unsortable waste.
It is important that you stress to your customers the importance of not mixing their recyclables with non-recyclable waste.
What you are left with - plastic bags and other non-recyclable waste - is either sent to landfill or burnt in cement kilns.