But he said that Vernitron would be willing to adjust its offering price if significant non-public information supported such a move.
The bill prohibits the use of non-public information for private profit, including insider trading by members of Congress and other government employees.
The statute states that when someone obtains any personal, non-public information from a financial institution or the consumer, their action is subject to the statute.
They will be subject to a vague ban on profiting from any non-public information obtained in the course of their work.
The result is more time, money and pressure to produce non-public information from a thriving gray-to-black market in purloined privacy.
In that letter he asked for a meeting "to review any non-public information which you believe could justify a higher price."
Insider trading encompasses the buying or selling of stocks based on non-public information about the securities in question.
Instead, the indictments charge him with providing several people with non-public information about a possible merger.
Because Sunbelt is a private company, as most savings institutions are, its financial records are non-public information.
Using an official position or non-public information to advance private or personal interests.