The tour fees cover participants' travel expenses, and the required fundraising or donation goes directly to the non-profit programs.
The non-profit program is funded by corporate donations and the state and city governments of New York.
ReCellular partners raised $4.0 million for non-profit programs in 2008, and more than $20 million for charities since 1996.
In this nationwide non-profit program, students and their families create makeshift dresses out of pillowcases for various impoverished communities of the central regions Africa.
Writopia Lab is a non-profit creative writing program for kids and teens ages 4-18.
Lawson's platform is "5 Loaves 4 Kids," a non-profit program she founded in 2007 that provides meals for low income students.
They are on the roster for the "Gateway to the Arts", a non-profit program that sponsors musicians to educate students in the arts.
Fit Nation is a non-profit program located in Pensacola, Florida.
He founded the Philecology Trust in 1986 to help non-profit ecological programs.
It is now a non-profit, tax-exempt program of the State Library.