This poor operating performance can be partially due to that non-profit hospitals have little incentive to control costs, given the government's subsidies.
It is an acute non-profit general hospital with 146 beds at mid-level.
In contrast to the traditional and more common non-profit hospitals, they attempt to garner a profit for their shareholders.
It is the largest non-profit Catholic hospital in the United States.
The non-profit hospital's share of total hospital capacity has remained relatively stable (about 70%) for decades.
Since its founding in 1976, the non-profit hospital has expanded to 5 cities in Taiwan.
He founded three universities and the largest non-profit private hospital in Taiwan before 1988.
The facility is a private non-profit hospital governed by a board of directors.
The trend over time, however, even though it was much stronger among the non-profit hospitals, was the same for both types.
Every non-profit hospital has an obligation to provide what's called charity care.