A non-profit clinic opened by the Anglican Reverend Barton Lodge in 1844 became the British Hospital in 1887 (still the borough's largest).
The series is based on a UK version of the Innocence Project, which refers to the non-profit legal clinic in the United States.
Many of the poor receive Medicaid or Medicare and choose to receive services at private doctors or non-profit clinics.
Beach Health Clinic is a volunteer staffed, private, non-profit clinic established in 1986 by a group of concerned physicians.
Petro became the first attorney general in the country to intervene in a case spearheaded by the Innocence Project, a non-profit legal clinic that pioneered the use of DNA testing to prove wrongful conviction.
The present community centre was established at a cost of $1.2 million with the money raised by the community, a non-profit dental clinic introduced and the Memorial Library saved.
"The Moss Free Clinic" is a non-profit clinic which provides medical and dental care to low income, uninsured, adult area residents.
Baird continued fighting for reproductive freedom and directed three non-profit clinics that are now closed due to constant extremist opposition.
The "community legal clinic" model comprises non-profit clinics serving a particular community through a broad range of legal services (e.g. representation, education, law reform) and provided by both lawyers and non-lawyers, similar to community health clinics.
Public governmental and non-profit clinics often provide services for free or adjust the fee based on a patient's ability to pay.