During that non-Presidential election year, $103 million in soft money was collected.
Being a non-presidential election and few contested races, turnout was much less than the previous gubernatorial election.
In recent years, the turnout of the voting-age population has barely exceeded 50 percent in Presidential elections and has hovered around 35 percent in non-Presidential elections.
Being a non-presidential election and few contested races, turnout was approximately half of that for 1920.
Being a non-presidential election and few contested races, turnout was the lowest for a gubernatorial election since the election of 1865.
Being a non-presidential election and few contested races, turnout was the second lowest ever for a gubernatorial election in South Carolina.
At the time, it was the most expensive campaign in a non-presidential election in American history.
There were more political advertisements on television in 1990 than in any other non-Presidential national election year, according to a survey by the Television Bureau of Advertising Inc.
Being a non-presidential election and few contested races, turnout was much lower than the Democratic primary election.
Turnout by Republican voters was lower, and by Democrats higher, than in the last few non-Presidential elections, and it showed in the final results.