Do you continue to have heartburn symptoms even after taking non-prescription medication?
On June 27, Washington State put into an effect a 90-day ban on the sale of non-prescription medication in capsules.
Through December 31, 2010, non-prescription, over-the-counter medications were also eligible.
There are also non-prescription anti-inflammatory medications, such as Motrin, which may be used to relieve pain and are available over-the-counter.
Gaviscon is a non-prescription medication for the treatment of heartburn and GERD.
Drug reaction testing uses a genetic test to predict how a particular person will respond to various prescription and non-prescription medications.
CankerMelts is a non-prescription over-the-counter medication produced by Orahealth Corporation, located in Bellevue, Washington.
Check the labels on non-prescription medications for heartburn/upset stomach.
Do not use non-prescription medications that contain cimetidine for relief of upset stomach or heartburn.
This is an active ingredient in Tylenol and many other prescription and non-prescription medications.