This saves men from having a non-marital relationship, which is forbidden according to the Quran.
Domnei or donnoi is an Old Provençal term meaning the attitude of chivalrous devotion of a knight to his Lady, which was mainly a non-physical and non-marital relationship.
On the deeply religious world of Bajor, for instance, even the spiritual leaders may enter non-marital sexual relationships without religious disapproval.
Partners in committed non-marital relationships are also sometimes described as a significant other or simply partner, especially if the individuals are cohabiting.
A girlfriend is a term that can mean either a female partner in a non-marital relationship, or just a female friend.
Non-married couples are not however permitted to adopt children, although people in non-marital relationships can adopt as individuals.
Attempts have been initiated to popularise pilegesh as a form of premarital, non-marital and extramarital relationships (which, according to the perspective of the enacting person/s, is permitted by Jewish law).
More women can afford to be permanently single or in a non-marital relationship; and more are working and among those who do work, more are working full-time.
Chevaliers, or knights in the Middle Ages, engaged in what were usually non-physical and non-marital relationships with women of nobility of whom they served.
However, he did have children from a non-marital relationship.