The above effects often combine to cause non-linear effects within capacitors.
The non-linear effect of the vascular wall decreases in bigger arteries.
Additional sources of non-linear effects include autocatalysis, the process in which the reaction catalyzes itself.
If the correction factor is greater than one, the reaction displays an asymmetric amplification, also known as a positive non-linear effect.
If the correction factor is less than one, the reaction displays an asymmetric depletion, also known as a negative non-linear effect.
In general, interpreting the correction parameter values of g to predict positive and negative non-linear effects is considerably more difficult.
Other non-linear effects have been observed, particularly for internal doses.
He created some new and developed known non-linear effects and qualities.
Acoustic levitation is possible because of the non-linear effects of intense sound waves.
Recording the intensity image then can lead to cancellations or other non-linear effects.