After ordering the Scarab to use non-lethal methods, she also begins working with Tim's enemy, the General, who eventually tries to kill her.
However, non-lethal methods of containing beaver-related flooding have been developed.
Wildside confronts Danielle over her use of and insistence upon non-lethal methods, kicking a motionless security guard Dani had stunned.
Lethal removal of beavers from the marsh was contrary to the mission of the sanctuary, so this non-lethal method was approved and adopted.
Avoiding confrontation or using non-lethal methods will cause her to show her disgust with the player's "weakness".
In fact, Duncan usually tries to avoid killing mortals even when he is forced to fight them, and goes out of his way to use non-lethal methods.
Alternatively, non-lethal methods of population control, such as fertility treatments, are being developed, although the effectiveness of these treatments is unknown.
Fertility control is a non-lethal method of population management that is usually viewed as the most humane treatment, and its use is supported by the RSPCA.
In 2000, 2001 and 2003 more resolutions were passed by the IWC urging Japan to cease issuing special permits for whaling and limit research to non-lethal methods.
Glue traps and boards can be either a lethal or non-lethal method of control.